Tim's Quake 2 Page
Here's a screenshot of the score from my favorite Battle of the Sexes
Now on to Orgy Quake:
Wanna play Quake 2 a little differently? Tired of the boring "the shotgun
fires buckshot" crap?!? Well, download the most unstable Quake 2 mod: Quake
2 - Orgy style!
That's right, I got so bored I decided to screw up everything id worked
so hard to do and post it online for download :)
Instructions: Make a new directory "Orgy" in your Quake2 directory. Copy
the following file into this directory. One last thing, for the grappling
hook to work properly, you must copy pak0.pak from your ctf directory to
your Orgy directory. Of course, you have to have ctf installed or you won't
have a ctf directory. Run Quake 2 using "quake2 +set game Orgy" (in addition
to any other cmd-line parameters) and you're ready to go. And it's MULTIPLAYER
Wondering what's been changed? Here are the current changes:
- Because some of these weapons can't be found on any level, every player
starts with all weapons, grapple, and power screen (but no ammo).
- This mod isn't designed to be "balanced" or to be an accurate depiction
of real-time squad based tactical combat. It's designed to be WEIRD. And
hopefully fun, too.
- An important change made recently is hit location tracking. You have
6 zones where you can be hit: head, chest, left leg, right leg, left arm,
right arm. The HUD is still a little fucked up but I'll get it right someday.
You only die when your head or chest health is reduced to 0. Your arms
and legs will redirect damage to your chest once they're below 0, aka once
they've been blown off. And no, health doesn't do anything yet.
- The railgun is now an anime laser. It fires off a massive laser lasting
3 secs slicing through your enemies. It has a problem with misfiring though.
- The shotgun fires bfg balls w/ full splash. I tried to make it to where
the shotgun wasn't the worst weapon (as it is in regular Quake 2).
- The super shotgun fires twice the buckshot, with four times the spread,
and kicks your opponent back like getting hit with a pickup.
- The machinegun fires standard shots at the moment. (Boring!) At least
until I figure out something else for it to fire.
- The chaingun (hee hee!) fires off rail slugs. The ammo usage is x5.
- The grenade launcher fires fragmentation grenades. Shrapnel ricochets
off of walls dicing your opponents. Shrapnel will kill you as well as your
- Hand grenades act as sticky bombs from Shadow Warrior. If you haven't
played SW, let me elaborate: They act as proximity mines when stuck on inanimate
objects, but the fun part is sticking em on your friends. These grenades
take the same amount of time to arm as standard grenades and will blow up
in your hand. Also, they can be destroyed by explosive weapons and are friend
or foe. In future releases, I'll try to get an arming sound to play when
they arm.
- The rocket launcher fires off three rockets in a spiral formation. Code
stolen from Tim Matthews, Inside3D.
- The BFG10k is my masterpiece. In order to keep it as the very best
unaimed weapon available for death and destruction, I have changed its effect
dramatically. It now fires anime missiles. You get 2 missiles per 50 cells
and the BFG will use up as much ammo as possible until it hits 200 (8 missiles).
These babies autotarget, autohome, and snake through the air just like
in anime. Just don't fire it off in a tight corridor. Thanks to Samuel
Schroeder for info on changing particle trails.
- The grappling hook from ctf is in here. Code stolen from Zoid. However,
my grappling hook also has Scorpion's ability. If you smack a person with
your hook, you'll pull them towards you. In future releases, I'll probably
have the "Get over here!" put in, too. As soon as I get a pak editor that
is. Anyway, from my own beta testing I've determined this weapon to be VERY
unstable. It crashes the server a lot. If you want to have a game last longer
than 5 minutes don't use this.
- My first new weapon is based on the flare gun design. Code stolen from
Fatty, Inside3D. All I did was make it fly like a grenade (except it dissipates
when it hits something) and do 1,000 points of damage. Perfect for those
bastards who use my next new item. BTW, this item has no inventory picture
and generates error messages when selected, so don't select it, just bind
a key to "use flare gun".
- The Power Screen is the best friend for the guy who likes to charge
into combat head first. It functions like the power shield except that it
can take a lot more punishment and only protects you from the front.
- One last thing, you can type "compass" and "speedometer" at the console
to get position reports. No, not terribly useful, but it is in the code
and I thought you might like to know. Thanks to Brian Meyers.